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In English

Hämeenlinna astronomy amateur association is established 1981 and is located at Hämeenlinna. Our own observatory at one of the highest and very center of Hämeenlinna can be found from this map. We have about 70 members.  Common interest is a universe's phenomenon.
Vega's library is at the fourth floor where the club room is located containing approximately 94 books and some 290 magazines. ASTRONOMY-digital and Tähdet ja avaruus are our primary magazines year to year. Our own magazine ZENIITTI has appeared 1996, 1999 in print and in digital 2012.

Your GPS lead You to us at N60°59' and E24°28'.
Association deliver screening  atumn and winter tuesdays between 19:00-21:00 but only plain weather and clear sky.

Welcome to visit our observatory at Koirakoulunkatu 3, 13130 HÄMEENLINNA, FINLAND.

Updated 26.1.2017
© 2002- / Vega r.y.